понедельник, 1 февраля 2010 г.

Cheby in winter!!!!

COLDDDDDDDDDD! BRRRRRRR!!! Extermelly cold, but a lot of outside fun with baby nd friends. here is some photos.Look at this frozen face. -30 outside and inside a great wish to catch the sun.

вторник, 26 января 2010 г.

Dears,I am in Cheby again!!!!

Ohhh, my God!!!! I return from Anadyr, at my HOME,to my parents and all brothers and sisters. How it is wondeful again to be at home.

Smiling!!! In Cheby now is much more colder than in Anadyr. Nonsense!!!  -30. Yessss!!!

Ansd I like it,because here is I can see sun everyday and enjoy the day. Polar night is a killing factor. Always cold and dark. But this nothern place impressed me very much. Close to Nature!!! I think, never more,I can be so close to wild nature.