суббота, 22 августа 2009 г.

I am again in Anadyr

I am again in this kindom of cold and at the northern east gate of Russia. depressive and missing mood. My baby, I am so missing you. And also my friends. from half year, I will be with you again. And all my visitors, will se short reports, how is the life here. many people abroad of Russia still thinks, that Russia is a wild country. You are right partly. Here you will see a lot of snow and bears, that walking along the streets in the winter. and also ladies on high heels boots and fur coats. And here is extremelly cold. if you want to see real wild Russia welcome on Chukotka. you will impressed, I promiss. Anadyr is not Moscow. It is eally wild. In Moscow you can feel yourself in safety and close to big airports, in civilization. Here you just feel yourself small human being, that can't resist of Nature. I am missing Moscow and my lovely Cheby!!!

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